20 Largest Fiscal Sponsors & How to Start a Nonprofit

Fastest way to create a nonprofit

Fiscal sponsors are like helpful big siblings for people who want to start a nonprofit project but aren’t quite ready to go it alone. Imagine you have a great idea to help your community, like cleaning up a local park or starting an art program for kids. Starting a nonprofit can be complicated and takes a lot of time. A fiscal sponsor is an already-established nonprofit that lets you use their legal and tax-exempt status. This way, you can focus on making your project awesome while the fiscal sponsor takes care of the tricky stuff like paperwork and managing money. It’s a win-win situation that helps you get your project off the ground faster!

For the largest list of Fiscal Sponsors, check out The Fiscal Sponsor Directory.

20 Largest Fiscal Sponsors

Here is the quick list arranged by the total number of known fiscal sponsorship projects each org supports. The cause area when known is also listed along with the fees associated though these may change over time.

Fractured Atlas

  • Website: Fractured Atlas
  • Number of Fiscal Sponsorships: 4000
  • Cause Area: Arts and culture
  • Fee: 8% administrative fee on all donations

The Hack Foundation

  • Website: Hack Club
  • Number of Fiscal Sponsorships: 600
  • Cause Area: General
  • Fee: 7% fee on all donations, with no startup costs

Heluna Health

  • Website: Heluna Health
  • Number of Fiscal Sponsorships: 500
  • Cause Area: Public health-related
  • Fee: Fees typically range from 12% to 17%

International Documentary Association

  • Website: Documentary
  • Number of Fiscal Sponsorships: 345
  • Cause Area: Arts and Culture
  • Fee: Fees start at 7%

The Field

  • Website: The Field
  • Number of Fiscal Sponsorships: 300
  • Cause Area: Arts and culture
  • Fee: $250


  • Website: ioby
  • Number of Fiscal Sponsorships: 250
  • Cause Area: Multiple
  • Fee: 5%

The Film Collaborative

  • Website: The Film Collaborative
  • Number of Fiscal Sponsorships: 230
  • Cause Area: Arts and culture: Film
  • Fee: $50 application fee; 5% admin fee on donations. Minimum budget: $25,000 from sources that require fiscal sponsorship

From the Heart Productions

  • Website: From the Heart Productions
  • Number of Fiscal Sponsorships: 200
  • Cause Area: Multiple
  • Fee: 6% for checks and credit cards plus the credit card fee

Community Partners

  • Website: Community Partners
  • Number of Fiscal Sponsorships: 180
  • Cause Area: Multiple
  • Fee: 9% of project revenues from private sources, 15% of project revenues from public sources

Institute for Education, Research, and Scholarships

  • Website: IFERS
  • Number of Fiscal Sponsorships: 176
  • Cause Area: Multiple
  • Fee: Generally 10%, but it depends on the sponsored projects


  • Website: Shunpike
  • Number of Fiscal Sponsorships: 160
  • Cause Area: Arts and culture
  • Fee: 7% of contributed income for Basic Fiscal Sponsorship Program, 10% of all income for Partner Artists Program

Intersection for the Arts

  • Website: Intersection for the Arts
  • Number of Fiscal Sponsorships: 151
  • Cause Area: Arts and culture
  • Fee: 10% flat administrative fee on all earned and contributed income, $75 annual renewal fee


  • Website: FJC
  • Number of Fiscal Sponsorships: 150
  • Cause Area: Multiple
  • Fee: 4% to 6% transactional fee, plus an annual fee of 1% of the average daily balance


  • Website: AFGJ
  • Number of Fiscal Sponsorships: 130
  • Cause Area: Multiple
  • Fee: 7% straight fee for checks and 8% for credit cards and third-party platforms

Community Initiatives

  • Website: Community Initiatives
  • Number of Fiscal Sponsorships: 115
  • Cause Area: Multiple
  • Fee: 10% of gross revenues and 15% for government funds

Boulder County Arts Alliance

  • Website: Boulder County Arts Alliance
  • Number of Fiscal Sponsorships: 100
  • Cause Area: Arts and culture
  • Fee: Membership fee is $30 annually for individuals, graduated scale for organizations, plus a one-time application fee of $50. BCAA retains 5% of funds that are raised through fiscal sponsorship

Baltimore Civic Fund

InterMusic SF

  • Website: InterMusic SF
  • Number of Fiscal Sponsorships: 100
  • Cause Area: Arts and culture, Festivals and events
  • Fee: 8% on all donations coming through InterMusic SF

Seattle Parks Foundation

Fulcrum Arts

  • Website: Fulcrum Arts
  • Number of Fiscal Sponsorships: 85
  • Cause Area: Arts and Culture, Science, Social Justice
  • Fee: $40 non-refundable application fee, $100 annual membership fee, 7% management fee

Fiscal Sponsorship FAQs

What is a Fiscal Sponsorship?

A fiscal sponsorship allows a new project or group to operate under the legal and tax-exempt status of an existing 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Why Choose Fiscal Sponsorship Over Starting a New 501(c)(3)?

Fiscal sponsorships are ideal for getting started quickly, building a track record, and testing an idea before launching a standalone nonprofit.

What Services Do Fiscal Sponsors Provide?

Fiscal sponsors typically offer back-office services like accounting, HR, legal compliance, and fundraising management.

How Much Does a Fiscal Sponsorship Cost?

Sponsors usually charge an administrative fee ranging from 8-12% of funds raised. Some may charge a percentage of expenses instead.

What Are the Advantages of Fiscal Sponsorship?

  1. Quick startup
  2. Reduced administrative burden
  3. Credibility through association with an established nonprofit

What Are the Disadvantages of Fiscal Sponsorship?

  1. Less autonomy
  2. Fewer funding sources
  3. Limited access to some nonprofit discounts

When Should I Consider a Fiscal Sponsorship?

It’s generally recommended to use a fiscal sponsor if you plan to raise over $50,000 in your first year or lack nonprofit management experience.

How Long Does It Take to Transition to an Independent 501(c)(3)?

The process usually takes 3-6 months after obtaining your own 501(c)(3) status.

Are Fiscal Sponsors Invested in My Success?

Most fiscal sponsors are committed to helping your project succeed and transition to independence.

Here is a quick table of the largest Fiscal Sponsors

Org NameWebsite# of Fiscal SponsorshipsCause AreaFee
Fractured Atlashttps://www.fracturedatlas.org4000Cause Area: Arts and cultureCost fee: 8% administrative fee on all donations
The Hack Foundationhackclub.com600General7% fee on all donations, with no startup costs.
Heluna Healthhelunahealth.org500Cause Area: Public health-relatedFiscal sponsorship fees typically range from 12% to 17%
International Documentary Associationhttps://documentary.org345Arts and CultureFees start at 7%
The Fieldhttps://thefield.org300Cause Area: Arts and cultureCost fee: $250
iobyhttps://ioby.org250Cause Area: Arts and culture, Children, youth and families, Disaster relief, Economic development, Education, Environment/sustainable growth, Faith-based/religious, Festivals and events, Health/nutrition, Housing, Mental health, People or communities of color/minorities, Political advocacy/social justice, Social services, Transportation, Veterans, Women, Youth development, OtherCost fee: 5%
The Film Collaborativehttps://www.thefilmcollaborative.org230Cause Area: Arts and culture: Film (documentary, narrative, feature, short), film-related, film events and film festivalsCost fee: $50 application fee; 5% admin fee on donations. Minimum budget: $25,000 from sources that require
fiscal sponsorship
From the Heart Productionshttps://www.fromtheheartproductions.com200Cause Area: Arts and culture, Disaster relief, Drug treatment, Education, Faith-based/religious, Health/nutrition, Mental health, People or communities of color/minorities, Political advocacy/social justice, Social services, Women, Youth development, OtherCost fee: Our fee is 6% for checks and credit cards plus the credit card fee.
Community Partnershttps://www.CommunityPartners.org180Cause Area: Arts and culture, Children, youth and families, Economic development, Education, Environment/sustainable growth, Health/nutrition, Immigration, Housing, LGBTQIA2+, Mental health, People or communities of color/minorities, Political advocacy/social justice, Social services, Transportation, Women, Youth developmentCost fee: 9% of project revenues from private sources, 15% of project revenues from public sources.
Institute for Education, Research, and Scholarshipshttps://www.ifers.org/176Cause Area: Arts and culture, Children, youth and families, Disaster relief, Drug treatment, Economic development, Education, Environment/sustainable growth, Faith-based/religious, Festivals and events, Health/nutrition, Housing, International development, Mental health, People or communities of color/minorities, Political advocacy/social justice, Social services, Transportation, Women, Youth development, OtherCost fee: The fee we charge for fiscal sponsorship is generally 10% but it depends on the sponsored projects.
Shunpikehttps://www.shunpike.org160Cause Area: Arts and cultureCost fee: Basic Fiscal Sponsorship Program – 7% of contributed income, Partner Artists Program – 10% of all income
Intersection for the Artshttps://theintersection.org151Cause Area: Arts and cultureCost fee: 10% flat administrative fee on all earned and contributed income, $75 annual renewal fee
FJChttps://www.fjc.org150Cause Area: Arts and culture, Children, youth and families, Disaster relief, Drug treatment, Economic development, Education, Environment/sustainable growth, Faith-based/religious, Festivals and events, Health/nutrition, Housing, International development, Mental health, People or communities of color/minorities, Political advocacy/social justice, Social services, Transportation, Women, Youth developmentCost fee: At the time an application is approved, a transactional fee of 4% to 6% will be determined. All contributions received on behalf of the project will be subject to the transactional fee; the balance of the contribution received is applied to the account. There is also an annual fee of 1% of the average daily balance maintained in the account. This fee is posted to the account quarterly at a rate of one-quarter of 1%.
Loading…https://www.AFGJ.org130Cause Area: Disaster relief, Economic development, Education, Environment/sustainable growth, Festivals and events, Health/nutrition, Housing, International development, People or communities of color/minorities, Political advocacy/social justice, Women, Youth development, OtherCost fee: 7% straight fee for checks and 8% for credit cards and third-party platforms
Community Initiativeshttps://communityin.org115Cause Area: Arts and culture, Children, youth and families, Disaster relief, Economic development, Education, Environment/sustainable growth, Health/nutrition, Housing, Mental health, People or communities of color/minorities, Political advocacy/social justice, Social services, Transportation, Women, Youth development, Seniors, technology, veterans, wildlife and petsCost fee: 10% of gross revenues and 15% for government funds
Boulder County Arts Alliancehttps://www.bouldercountyarts.org100Cause Area: Arts and cultureCost fee: Membership fee is $30 annually for individuals, graduated scale for organizations, plus a one-time application fee of $50. BCAA retains 5% of funds that are raised through fiscal sponsorship.
Loading…https://baltimorecivicfund.org100Cause Area: Arts and culture, Children, youth and families, Disaster relief, Drug treatment, Economic development, Education, Environment/sustainable growth, Faith-based/religious, Festivals and events, Food insecurity/Nutrition, Health, Homelessness, Housing, LGBTQ, Mental health, Open space/Parks, People or communities of color/minorities, Political advocacy/social justice, Social services, Transportation, Veterans, Women, Youth developmentCost fee: 6%
InterMusic SFhttps://www.intermusicsf.org100Cause Area: Arts and culture, Festivals and eventsCost fee: 8% on all donations coming through InterMusic SF
Seattle Parks Foundationhttps://www.seattleparksfoundation.org90Cause Area: Arts and culture, Children, youth and families, Environment/sustainable growth, People or communities of color/minorities, Social services, Transportation, Capacity building and capital projectsCost fee: 8%
Fulcrum Artshttps://fulcrumarts.org85Cause Area: Arts and Culture, Science, Social JusticeCost fee: $40 non-refundable application fee, $100 annual membership fee, 7% management fee

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